Wednesday, May 8, 2013

1 VIVIX= 3000杯紅酒

A Revolutionary Breakthrough from ShakleeVivix™ Botanical Beverage Mix is a revolutionary breakthrough in polyphenol nutrition.
Vivix™ contains a unique botanical blend of Polygonum Cuspidatum, Muscadine grape, European Elderberry and Purple Carrot which are rich in polyphenols. Polyphenols are a group of phytochemicals that are plant-derived compounds with antioxidant and cellular aging benefits.
All natural. Patent-pending. Clinically tested key ingredients. Exclusive to Shaklee.

Vivix™ 是植物多酚营养领域上的革新创举。
Vivix™ 混合了独特天然的草本成分, 包括虎杖,麝香葡萄, 欧洲                         


Saturday, November 26, 2011


what a boring day,yesterday i sleep at 4am,today wake up at,what to do?just eat some biscuit and start playing my computer~~ next next wednesday(07 december) having my beauty cert exam, T^T it's so hard,i'm not sure i can pass with flying color,but hopefully can pass and get the cert,i don't want next year apply that exam again...
最近的日子真的很无聊,昨晚4点睡,今天2点多才醒,真的是服了我自己!下下个星期三要考美容丙级执照,一共有三关,美容脸部,卫生清洁和化妆。真的很怕卫生那一关过不了,要背的步骤很多,现在才背了一两个而已,不期待高分,只希望分数足够让我过三关,拿到执照就好~~神啊,你要救救我啊。 *拜佛烧香

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Just makes some new friends from different country,especially from Korea,they're nice and sweet❤ the first semester came to the end,so do my Korean beginner class~my Korean still very bad,because it's hard for me to remember the individual word and the sentences format (fainted) ~(+﹏+)~ but I'll try my best,so that one day I can go to Korea and speak with Korean without depending other people >~<

Monday, May 23, 2011


好久没有来了,来到台湾,新环境,新社会,新朋友。才2个多月,班上也开始出现争吵,反正也没有我的事,还是远离一点对比较安全。以前在家有很多事都可以做,很自由:在这里由于是4人房,多了些包容和退让,很多事也要等室友们星期五回完家后才可以做。例如要练习唱歌都很难,以前在家爽爽就开机来唱,现在室友回完了,还得用毛巾按着嘴唱 o(︶︿︶)o唉 真惨~

Saturday, February 26, 2011


明天要去台湾了。好高兴啊,也很兴奋,也非常紧张~ >~< 到了那边得用功读书啊,加油加油!!

Friday, December 24, 2010


好久没来这里了,之前一直忙着应付spm,现在终于过了,可以暂时松一口气 ~~ ^~^
明年呢,我将会到台湾读书。不算太远啦,搭飞机大概4小时就到了~现在忙着打工赚钱和收拾衣物,累坏了,毕竟我有太多衣服了,头痛这要拿哪些去。(重量有限)前几天在penang sunshine mall买了大约rm700+之前买的旅行包(rm85)=rm800+,虽然不是我出钱。可是。。。还是会很心痛的~T^T 那些寒衣,围颈,袜子,手套等都很贵叻~难怪人家说,出国之前要先花一笔。。。还没包括飞机票啊,visa啊,克换新台币啊等等一大堆不知什么咚咚,唉~一言难尽啊~

Friday, May 28, 2010

